What these and many other monuments worldwide have in common is that they are all located above an ancient sacred deep water spring (Templar’s castles, ancient churches and cathedrals), an intersection of underground water lines (megalithic stone circles from the Neolithic period) or a certain pattern of underground water lines (ancient round or long barrows and alignments of rows of standing stones like the Carnac megaliths) directly connected to the primary deep water trapped in a certain layer in the deep Earth and whether or not combined with regularly recurring astronomical events in honour of their gods. These water lines are equal to ancient deep underground water streams and directly connected to the Earth’s energy grid or ley lines. For the ancients, the existence of flowing water deep inside the Earth was represented by a divine crawling snake living beneath the surface of the Earth.

Chartres Cathedral – 1830

The Well of Chartres Cathedral

Unlike groundwater, this water is of excellent quality, clean and unspoiled, but above all, it is associated with properties concerning healing and eternal life which made this substance the medieval ‘Holy Grail’ or the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ from which the “Elixir of Life” could be derived. Therefore, without realising it, the knowledge of this pure ancient water became the most sacred that the Templars took home from the Holy Land after the failed crusades which ended in the 13th century and this knowledge was gratefully applied to the construction of their temples and castles throughout Europe. Nevertheless, this divine water is still worshiped by many modern pilgrims and religious people from all over the world.

Well’s Cathedral – England

Jerusalem – 1852

The Waters in Jerusalem – The Gihon Spring

“There is an inexhaustible reservoir of water, as would be expected from an abundant spring gushing up naturally from within; there being moreover wonderful and indescribable cisterns underground, of five furlongs, according to their showing, all around the foundation of the Temple, and countless pipes from them, so that the streams on every side met together. And all these have been fastened with lead at the bottom of the side-walls, and over these has been spread a great quantity of plaster, all having been carefully wrought,” Eusebius’ recording of the “Letter of Aristeas” – chapter 38.

Aristeas was an Alexandrian Jew who lived in the era of the later Ptolemies, approximately the second or third century BCE and is remembered for the “Letter of Aristeas” addressed to his brother Philocrates in which he describes the Greek translation of the Hebrew Law.

The Gihon Spring is one of the world’s largest springs and the only one in Jerusalem near the ancient City of David. The name Gihon comes from the Hebrew Gihu, meaning “gushing forth.” It was the main source of water supply during ancient times and according to Aristeas, it was located within the Temple’s precincts meaning that the only possible location of Solomon’s Temple would be above the Gihon Spring near the City of David instead of Temple Mount a third of a mile further north – https://yrm.org/lost-temple-mount-found-pt1/

The entrance to the Gihon Spring or Virgin’s Fountain (c. 1900-1920)

This ancient water enclosed in the deeper layers of the Earth could well be as old as the Earth itself. The origin of water that may have been trapped deeper within the Earth is still unclear to scientists but it is the most important condition for the existence of life on this planet. A substance more precious than gold that is closely associated with the life and death of Jesus Christ but just as well to ancient stone circles and barrows, the megaliths of Carnac and certain medieval cathedrals, churches and temples. In a way, this water has been claimed by religions but there is no doubt that it is the most precious gift of Mother Earth to its inhabitants and may rightly be called the “Elixir of Life.”