The Great Pyramid of Giza – a modern view on ancient knowledge
The Science of Ancient Times
There are many theories about the structure and function of pyramids in general and the Great Pyramid of Giza in particular. Theories including tomb complex, initiation centre, antique lighthouse and hydrogen plant. This book focuses mainly on the properties and features of the Great Pyramid of Giza because of its unique interior and exterior design. To the scientific world, the Great Pyramid of Giza is still the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu and the end result of many previous similar funerary monuments. Fortunately, nowadays there are more and more researchers who think differently and are fully capable of forming their own opinion. Even researchers in the nineteenth century doubted the tomb theory and some rejected this theory immediately following a thorough investigation of such pyramid complexes. Pyramids are not at all like the richly decorated tombs in the Valley of the Kings near modern Luxor and it is a mystery why contemporary science is still holding on to this theory. What are they afraid of?
“Relive the past by remembering the future”
The Great Pyramid of Giza differs from the other pyramids by its special geometry and its interior passages with corresponding chambers and shafts. Neither ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs nor images have ever been found on the inside and outer surface of this monument, and yet the Great Pyramid is the most important message in stone ever bequeathed to us. In all of Egypt ancient hieroglyphs referring to the construction methods of pyramids are generally completely unknown, simply because the pyramids were already there prior to the establishment of the first ancient Egyptian dynasties around 3150 B.C.E. Around that time the ancient Egyptians themselves were the first tourists visiting the sites where the pyramids and adjacent monuments were located. They were the first inheritors of the secret and arcane knowledge associated with an even older civilisation. A civilisation with an important message for us. A message that we can not ignore, because it is directly related to the future of our planet.
The Great Pyramid of Giza, as an important part of the Giza plateau, is a complete library of knowledge that gives us an impression of the extraordinary knowledge and skills of the ancient architects and builders of this monument. All our earthly sciences are represented in this monument and it also offers us the opportunity to learn how to treat our Earth in a responsible and sustainable way. Who were these builders and why is this pyramid of knowledge so important to us? Whatever the motive of the sender, we are obliged to take this particular message seriously because everything is expressed in known numbers and proportions we can no longer designate as coincidence. There is only one universal language, which is the language of numbers and proportions that are so striking and stunningly built into the Great Pyramid and to which our current science has no appropriate response. We can no longer ignore that this ancient civilisation was aware of our units used in modern mathematics and physics and were even aware of our metric system. Our metric system originating in the eighteenth century, designed and implemented by a committee of mathematicians and physicists commissioned by the French revolutionary government. Nowadays the United States, Liberia and Myanmar (Burma) are the only countries in the world where the metric system is still not recognised as a legal standard.
The knowledge of our Moon and the planets of our solar system also belongs to this inheritance. Our own Moon, which we can see every day somewhere on Earth is by its position, size, cycles and association with the Great Pyramid an important part of the message that is addressed to us. No hidden message, but visible and legible for anyone who can distance themselves from imposed doctrines. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance not to hide behind illogical conservative theories but to simply observe yourself and above all to form your own opinion. You only have to look with ‘new eyes’ and that will take time and needs some practice. This may need some adjustment because some things may seem to be incorrect or incomplete. Modern science and scientists are very much needed for this task and therefore the ‘box’, in which some scientists are still ‘hiding’, should be opened much further or rather disappear entirely.
We all live in a fairly closed and predetermined box in which everything is set according to the laws and regulations of our modern society. Inside the box, everything is safe, delimited and explainable. Within this box all knowledge is documented and accepted as reality, based on the scientifically accepted ‘big bang’ as the beginning of the creation of the universe and the starting point for the calculation of linear time. With the big bang the universal clock started ticking and thus the concept of our linear time was set. Everything in space and time can now be appointed and the first part of the book can be written. Inside the box is our familiar three-dimensional physical world. But what is outside this box?
Outside the box there is an inexplicable space, like the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. In this space there are strange phenomena that we cannot explain, but merely have to accept. Phenomena such as matter, gravity, behavior of living organisms and our own human consciousness belong to this space. An accepted, partly circumscribed space in which science is appointed as frontier science or pseudoscience and simply not justifiable by the scientific method. Some leading academics even call this ‘dark knowledge’ – knowledge which may exist, and may be relevant, but has not been discovered because the boundaries of the topic under analysis have not been identified.
In the previously mentioned inexplicable space, science is not equivalent to truth and further beyond this space there are no limits at all and many of our scientific laws, rules and regulations no longer apply. Here you can only depend on your own logic and senses as most important tools.

Ancient civilisations were more familiar with this space and the Australian Aborigines of today still call this the ‘Dream World.’ A world of illusions where you cannot scientifically explain everything you see and experience. It concerns a world beyond our imagination and understanding. However, this inexplicable space must be accepted and recognised in order to be able to decipher the message of the ancients. Decryption is only possible by means of the language of numbers, ratios, energies and frequencies, thus our senses and logic suffice.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations”
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
The story of this book is related to the ‘golden frequency of Giza’ and is divided into five main chapters, the first four of which are linked to the four basic natural elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire, and the fifth chapter relates to the encompassing fifth element Aether. All these elements are clearly encoded in the Great Pyramid of Giza. We will follow the path of the river Nile to the Giza plateau and Great Pyramid in accordance with the four earthly elements and the circle of creation will eventually be completed and merged by the divine element Aether as the interconnecting medium of creation, the intervention of the divine, the primordial sound or the ‘Sound of God’; Nada Brahma.
The possible construction method of the pyramids of Giza will not be dealt with, but it will be clear that the builders had very advanced tools and techniques that never have been found or declared to date. Sawing marks and incision marks made by highly advanced tools are still visible in many limestone and granite blocks on the Giza plateau, which are not the result of the copper tools such as displayed in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo. On the east side of the Great Pyramid is a large floor or platform of black basalt stone. Basalt is a rock that is formed by the solidification of lava and that is highly resistant to abrasion. This floor of black basalt had the function of a work floor or workbench for the cutting and sawing of the stone blocks to be used on the building site. Traces of sawing and drilling are still clearly visible in this floor. An ancient workshop with the latest technology.
Next to this floor there is a pit in which the so-called solar boat of the pharaoh was ‘buried.’ There are several of these pits located on the eastern side of the Great Pyramid. These pits are called boat-pits because of their shape but there is no evidence that they were actually ever used for burying boats. Such a boat as displayed in the boat museum on the south side of the Great Pyramid was first dismantled before it was buried. They were all ready made packages and the space in which they were buried was rectangular as shown on pictures in the museum. The boat-shaped pits probably had another function. Some modern researchers believe they housed a huge circular saw for sawing the stone blocks used for the building of the pyramids. Not the slightest shred of evidence that supports this theory has ever been found.
On the eastern side of the Great Pyramid there is some kind of testing site representing a part of the passage system of the Great Pyramid, carved into the rock. It represents the intersection of the ascending and descending passage, as if this part had to be tested first before it was built into the pyramid. There is an additional vertical corridor above the intersection, created to follow a certain process during testing. The book explains what was so special about this intersection in combination with the function of the Great Pyramid. The Egyptian archaeological department, unaware of the fact that this is a very important ‘fingerprint’ of the builders, is not that impressed by these trial passages, for they are completely filled with debris and waste and considered to be of lesser importance. The whole area on the eastern side of the Great Pyramid may be considered as a workplace for the entire plateau.
Call it frontier science or pseudoscience but now is the time to decipher the message of Giza and to reveal the truth behind the illusion. Numbers, ratios, links and references, expressed in any unit, are in fact accessible to everyone who is interested. Observing and listening with an open mind will increase our understanding and hopefully this book will contribute to that. In the end one will be able to look with different eyes at a prodigious monument like the Great Pyramid of Giza, and to lift the veil to look beyond the illusion of past, present and future and accept a cyclical, rather than a linear timescale in order to conclude that we ourselves are the architects and builders of these magnificent monuments from the ancient past. We ourselves in the future tense, as past, present and future all exist simultaneously!
“… for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one”
Albert Einstein and the Fabric of Time (1952)
This book is a trip to Ancient Egypt and the land of Kemet prior to the time of the first Pharaonic dynasties. It is also an introduction to the universal language of numbers and ratios and the enchanted harmony of sound and water. Initially that will be strange and maybe difficult to get acquainted with, but hopefully it is well worth it. It might even change your view on human history and the perception of time. Changing your perception of time might even change your life.
Consider yourself a studious pilgrim and be guided by the buzzard, a totem animal that symbolises death and rebirth but more important, the creation of a new vision.
Choose your path carefully and enjoy your journey; let the four earthly elements accompany you as the carriers of all information needed during this trip. The gathering of the elements may begin. May you enjoy your journey through time.
“Ignore the concept of time, relive the past and call it the future”

The Science of Ancient Times
Text back cover:
The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one left that has withstood the test of time. For centuries one visits this enigmatic structure, trying to understand its true significance. Ancient Egyptian pyramids are generally still considered tombs for the deceased Egyptian pharaohs. After extensive research Willem Witteveen connects data from his own findings with that of other researchers, which resulted in groundbreaking conclusions about the true function of the Great Pyramid and its place in history.
The Greek mathematician Pythagoras already stated: “All is number”, the American prophet Edgar Cayce claimed: “Sound is the medicine of the future” and the late Egyptian wisdom keeper Abd ‘el Hakim Awyan always said: “It is all about sound.”
Willem Witteveen proves that all these men were right and that what we now regard as groundbreaking and new often had its origin in Ancient Egypt, well before the first Egyptian dynasties.
This book is divided into five main parts, four of which related to the four earthly elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire, and a fifth part on the element or quintessence called Aether. Each of these elements represents a significant process inside the Great Pyramid but they are also directly related to creation itself. The four earthly elements together form the circle of creation, which is crowned by the fifth divine element Aether. Within this circle all processes on Earth and beyond take place and the element Aether therein represents the divine world and is the carrier of all information.
The author demonstrates that the Great Pyramid is an enormous library of knowledge, intended for modern generations and containing the golden frequency of Giza, one of the basic values responsible for creation and existence of life on Earth. We ourselves are the architects and builders of these magnificent ancient monuments. We ourselves in the future tense!
People who have read this book will never look at the Great Pyramid of Giza in the same way again. It will drastically change your view on human history and by changing the perception of time, perhaps even change your life.