Title: Monuments of Upper Egypt

Author: Alphonse Mariette

Year: 1877

Publisher: Trübner & C0.

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: Translation of the ‘Itinéraire de la Haute Egypte’ by Auguste Mariette-Bey

Title: The Great Pyramid

Author: Piazzi Smyth

Year: 1880

Publisher: Wm. Isbister, Limited

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: Fourth and much enlarged edition



Title: Pyramids and Progress – Sketches from Egypt

Author: John Ward

Year: 1900

Publisher: Eyre and Spottiswoode

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: –


Title: Great Pyramid Passages and Chambers – Vol.I

Author: John and Morton Edgar

Year: 1910

Publisher: Bone & Hulley

Location: Glasgow

Language: English

Remarks: –


Title: Egypt and its monuments

Author: Robert Hichens – Jules Guérin

Year: 1920

Publisher: Hoddern & Stoughton

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: –


Title: The Great Pyramid – Its Divine Message

Author: D. Davidson & H. Aldersmith

Year: 1925

Publisher: Williams & Norgate Ltd

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: Second Revised Edition


Title: Het Oude Wonderland der Pyramiden

Author: Dr. K. Oppel

Year: 1925

Publisher: C.L. Brinkman

Location: Amsterdam

Language: Dutch

Remarks: Fourth Expanded Version


Title: Imhotep

Author: Jamieson B. Hurry, M.A., M.D.

Year: 1926

Publisher: Oxford University Press Humphrey Milford

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: –


Title: De Steenen Spreken – De Goddelijke Boodschap Der Groote Pyramide

Author: C.F.PH.D. van der Vecht – majoor K.N.I.L. b.d.

Year: 1939

Publisher: W.P. van Stockum & Zoon N.V.

Location: Den Haag

Language: Dutch

Remarks: Second Revised Edition (Dutch version of ‘The Great Pyramid – Its Divine Message by D. Davidson & H. Aldersmith)


Title: Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Author: Peter Tompkins

Year: 1971

Publisher: Harper & Row Publishers

Location: New York – Evanston – San Francisco – London

Language: English

Remarks: –


Title: The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh

Author: Flinders Petrie

Year: 1990

Publisher: Histories & Mysteries of man Ltd.

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: New and revised edition of the first edition of 1883


Title: Operations Carried On At The Pyramids Of Gizeh In 1837 V2

Author: Colonel Howard Vyse

Year: 2001

Publisher: Legacy Reprint Series

Location: London

Language: English

Remarks: Reprint of 1837 Volume II, With An Account Of A Voyage Into Upper Egypt


Title: Great Pyramid Passages

Author: John and Morton Edgar

Year: 2001

Publisher: Portland Area Bible Students

Location: Tigard

Language: English

Remarks: Reproduction of the second edition 1924


Title: The Great Pyramid – why was it built and who built it?

Author: John Taylor

Year: 2014

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Location: Cambridge

Language: English

Remarks: First edition published 1859 – Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts: London







