The Great Pyramid of Giza – a modern view on ancient knowledge

“A treasure for all of humanity”

Willem Witteveen’s publication is a gorgeous coffee table book of high quality both in printing and in content. The subject of the Great Pyramid has been highly controversial amongst traditional and alternative researchers and there has been much debate on the origins, the building techniques, the purpose, and the meaning of its existence. To tackle such a vast and important topic and to introduce a modern view on this ancient monument is an ambitious undertaking and Willem has done a masterful job.

The book is divided into elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water [and Ether?] which, in my opinion, is a useful and clever strategy to define obtuse aspects of this great mystery. Perhaps the most vital contribution is the inclusion of  the late indigenous wisdom keeper Hakim Awyan’s perspective on ancient Egypt.

Hakim was featured in my documentary series entitled The Pyramid Code and people fell in love with him and were so very saddened by his passing. The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge brings many of Hakim’s teachings to the table, a treasure for all of humanity to now have in the public record. Bravo Willem!

Dr Carmen Boulter (1954-2022)

Director, Producer, and writer of The Pyramid Code

“He has cracked the code of our past”

“The legendary Egyptian Hall of Records is hidden in plain sight! Willem Witteveen uses not only 21st century science, but also overlooked reports from past explorations, in this meticulously researched account. He has cracked the code of our past to show us our future. The Pyramids of Giza can now be understood in their rightful place as the center of our world.”

Marcus Allen – NEXUS Magazine

“He is on the right track”

And now we have Willem Witteveen’s book, The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge. We should welcome Witteveen’s book, and it is an interesting read, indeed! One suspects that he is on the right track when he discusses such topics as sound and resonance, antennas, the Schumann frequency, and the special abilities of quartz, hydrogen and wavelengths. I have always been fascinated by the Great Pyramid and, starting in 1978, I have made many trips to Egypt. The first trip was made specifically to examine the Great Pyramid after reading such books as Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins. I firmly feel that investigators such as Christopher Dunn and Willem Witteveen are providing us with the most fascinating of all research into the Great Pyramid and the mystery of Giza in general.

David Hatcher Childress

Adventures Unlimited Press

December, 2015

“A must for anyone interested in Ancient Egypt and its pyramids” *****

Whether you accept the author’s thesis as to how and why the Great Pyramid (Kufu’s) of Giza was built, this is an outstanding book. There are so many books and articles written about the pyramids of Egypt and especially the Great Pyramid that the book shelves of many a scholar and library must be beginning to sag at this point. And yet…there it stands, high on the Giza plateau directly across from Cairo to confound the world by its very existence. And it’s not the only one. Two more along side it, the middle one putatively dedicated to Chephren son of Kufu (Cheops) and the third to Mycerinus, are also worthy of detailed consideration. After an excellent forward by David Childress recounting the various and many theories regarding the purpose, orientation, age, and particularly the method of construction of the Great Pyramid, we are led into an oversized book with 44 chapters and some of the most beautiful color photography and drawings I have ever seen. This book is an intellectual and visual treat par excellence and is actually far more than just the Great Pyramid. It needs to be read and digested slowly as well as perused at one’s leisure. For anyone who is or was interested in and enticed by Ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramid of Giza this book is for you. An absolute must. It also deserves an A+ for the way the book was produced, printed, and bound.
Very highly recommended for both scholars and laymen alike.

Amazon customer


“De ware en zinvolle betekenis van de Grote Piramide” *****

Eindelijk! Dit boek ontrafelt de ware en zinvolle betekenis van de Grote Piramide: het waarom en het hoe blijken bijzonder relevant te zijn. Witteveen bewijst (!), dat de Grote Piramide als essentieel onderdeel van het plateau van Gizeh gebouwd is lang voor het ontstaan van het Egyptische rijk. Naast het feit dat deze piramide perfect geografisch en kosmisch gepositioneerd is – ook als onderdeel van het plateau van Gizeh – bevat hij cruciale wiskundige sleutels. De ultieme doelstelling van de piramide zelf is het genereren van oeverloze energie!

Wenki –


“Your book is absolutely fantastic”

Gregor Spörri – author of the Sci-Fi thriller ‘Lost God’

“A MUST read!” *****

The best book about what the pyramids and the Sphinx complex were actually used for. Weaves the teachings of Hakeem Awyan, and the Pyramid Code Series perfectly. A MUST read for anyone serious about the Egyptian Pyramids, other global pyramid structures, Energy, and our connection to water and our earth. My favourite book on the Pyramids! Read it before you go to Egypt!

Amazon customer

“Good read” *****

Good read with new original results as well as combining many contributions from different researchers. “There is only one universal language, which is the language of numbers and proportions that are so striking and stunningly built into the Great Pyramid and to which our current science has no appropriate response. We can no longer ignore that this ancient civilization was aware of our units used in modern mathematics and physics and were even aware of our metric system. Our metric system originating in the eighteenth century, designed and implemented by a committee of mathematicians and physicists commissioned by the French revolutionary government.”

GoodReads customer

“Beautifully produced book”

The Great Pyramid of Giza is not only the best known but also the most enigmatic single structure on our planet. It has been studied, measured and illustrated for more than 200 years – it is instantly recognisable. Yet no one can say with any certainty why it exists.

In this beautifully produced book Willem Witteveen introduces many unpublished original reports to demonstrate just how important the Great Pyramid is to our understanding of the modern world. By including the work of Tesla, Schauberger and Rife, amongst many others, Willem successfully widens the context in which we can now view this spectacular icon. Its purpose was more powerful than has previously been imagined. Its creation was not just more dramatic but far stranger than we have considered. It is thanks to Willem’s dedicated work that the ancient knowledge contained in the Great Pyramid now enters the modern world.

Nexus Magazine

“Highly recommended reading” *****

A large size book that’s finally available at a better lower price. It needed to have been available 20 years ago. Contains lots of pictures, diagrams and facts we should of had 1oo years ago and verified by those experts then. Yes, it contains frequency and vibration verification I needed many years ago. A great book, a great buy. Highly recommended reading.

Al Powers, Genie

“Excellent book and excellent value” *****

Excellent book! Wonderful and numerous color photos and really good updates on new discoveries. Well worth the cost , considering the photos and hard- cover binding!

Amazon customer

“Wonderful research” *****

Wonderful research done in this book,best yet done on the big pyramid, this book needs to be read by anyone interested in Ancient Egypt.

Amazon customer

“A must read!” *****

I was so excited when I saw the adverts for this amazing book! This book has been everything I imagined it to be. I have been fascinated with Egypt since childhood and read many books in many libraries. This book is a must read for anyone intrigued by one the greatest civilizations on the planet. An exciting fresh look at the most amazing monument ever built.

Amazon customer

“Amazing theory. Smart and brilliant” *****

One of the most intelligent books I have ever read on the Great Pyramid mystery. No, it’s not a tomb,(duh) and there are no aliens involved. Mr. Witteveen is a genius. I believe he has pulled back the curtain on this one.

Amazon customer

“One of the best books on Giza” *****

Amazon UK customer

Excellent book – content and production. Just what I wanted” *****

Amazon UK customer

“Great work of art of a book packed with information” *****

Willem Witteveen has compiled a magnificent array of widespread knowledge of Egypt and the Pyramids from a modern stand point, lavishly illustrated and beautifully produced.  This is THE Book for having available at your fingertips, to scan the amazing sites of Giza and become informed as to what you can see. This is a work of art in itself, and one that will stand the test of time as one of those great books you will always wish to read again or refer to.

Miles Johnston

Investigative Journalist

The Bases Project – Wiltshire

“A wonderful collector’s item!” *****

A very interesting and magnificently designed book. I can recommend this book to anyone who is interested in alternative pyramid theses and is looking for the truth.

Amazon customer


“A unique piece” *****

“The mind that opens up to a new idea never returns to its original size.” This quote resonated in my mind for days after folding the back cover of this book.
Witteveen most certainly succeeded in persuading me of his views and analyses on the meaning of these timeless constructions. The book is a critical and meticulous revision of the work of his peers that leaves very little room to ambiguity and mystery. The crisp language he uses throughout chapters ranging from mathematics, to physics and back to architecture, is a clear sign of his solid background in Egyptology and is what renders him extremely qualified for the endeavor that this book represents.

I sincerely recommend this book to anyone who has the slightest interest in our predecessors- which really, should be everyone. All the concepts and theories are illustrated in a very accessible manner, which rendered the read fluent and effortless.

Finally, thank you for this unique piece!

GoodReads customer

“Very in depth research” ****

I have read many books on Egypt and compared all the various theories. I believe this author has come the closest to solving the riddle of both the Spinx and the Great Pyramids at Giza , as they are directly related to each other. For many years a lot of study went into this area and the author uses both present day facts and ancient discoveries to advance his theory. To me it seems he had two trains of thought when writing this book. The first, is to dis-spell all the previous theories with pure scientific facts and to quiet the critics who
still cling to their outdated “tomb” thinking. And the second, to enlighten the new wave thinkers with his in depth investigation and intense research with hard cold facts. However, this book raises more questions than it answers. Where did the civilization of 12,000 + years ago go to ?? Who were they ?? Aside from the pyramid and Spinx messages what other signs did they leave of their existence ? Why did they dismantle the Pyramid machine and not leave it for future generations ? Were they time travelers or from another galaxy or universe ? Were they colonizing planets ? If the Great Pyramid was a energy machine that ran on water , how come we don’t have them now , the plans are right in the book ??

Now for my review, first the Pros :

— PROS —
1. The book itself is very well made with a solid binding.
2. The pictures and diagrams are explicit and in color.
3. It is a decent price
4. It is broken down by chapter very well.
5. A good conversation and coffee table book.

— CONS —
1. This is not a book for the average reader. The theories and mathematical equations are very complicated and make up most of the book.
2. I found myself skipping over the complicated equation areas.
3. This book is not easy reading , due mostly to the equations.

Amazon customer