Willem Witteveen


Willem Witteveen (1957) studied nautical sciences and engineering, then spent 15 years as a navigational officer on merchant vessels, followed by 25 years as a maritime pilot in the port of Rotterdam. His background in navigational sciences, together with his worldwide travels to many different countries, inspired a lifelong interest in ancient civilisations, ancient documents and ancient writers.

Finally back on shore, he is now a full-time researcher and is currently focused on Ancient Egypt and its corresponding connections to human history. Articles by Witteveen have been published in several magazines and on various websites and his first book, concerning the function of the Great Pyramid of Giza, was first published in Dutch in October 2012.
He lives in the Netherlands with his wife and two children.

His research is supported by regular visits to Egypt. There is still much to discover, but research into ancient mysteries by not conventionally trained Egyptologists are not always supported and welcomed by the local authorities. Fortunately, more and more researchers and scientists from various disciplines are interested in the specific technologies that formed the basis of several ancient civilisations worldwide. More specialised scientists and researchers in the field of philosophy of science, astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, navigation, stone processing, architecture and construction are, together with archaeologists and Egyptologists, necessary in order to reach more solid conclusions about civilisations from our distant past.

It is not about what you have studied, but it is about logical thinking and being able to establish necessary connections without being obstructed by oppressive dogmas. It is about time to connect science and spirituality, as this was in fact enshrined in the ancient Egyptian culture and ancient cultures worldwide.

The main purpose of his books, articles and web site is to reach more people who want to be able to think for themselves about their own past and draw their own conclusions instead of following not always reliable sources that often have their origins in mainstream science. Do not just believe everything you were always told in the mainstream media and history books, but observe and think for yourself.
For example the Great Pyramid is no tomb and certainly not built in 20 years as still being told. Some dogmas are very persistent and difficult to break through and that is not always to blame them, because expertise is often lacking, expertise of experienced construction professionals and scientists from other disciplines.

Therefore, the buzzard is a guiding theme in his books and articles. In between writing he was often accompanied by a buzzard during hiking. The buzzard is in fact an animal totem representing life and death, but is mainly a symbol for the development of a new vision – your vision to be more precise.